All SCOPE Child Care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.
SCOPE Day Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of school district employees.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program provides students with opportunities for exploration, play and discovery that builds on children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Makerspace Madness: Through hands-on tasks we need you to bring your creative minds to invent, create, and problem solve. Create a marble run, marshmallow launcher and catapult and compete in a Rocket Balloon Challenge!
Bridge Engineering and Build Competition Let the build competition begin! This hands-on class will include activities
that incorporate aspects of science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM). Students will engage in challenges
of building bridges and structures during a build competition. Are you up for the challenge?
MARIA QUINONES-Ford , Alyssa Marie Frohnhoefer , kim behling
No Class Nov 9 & Nov 30
Already started