All SCOPE Child Care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.
SCOPE Day Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of school district employees.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program provides students with opportunities for exploration, play and discovery that builds on children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Silly Science Safari: Take a trip through the Silly Science Safari! In this engaging and hands-on course, elementary students will embark on a journey of discovery as they combine science and fun in the most delicious and wacky ways. There will be a variety of interactive activities and experiments such as creating edible play dough,
edible layers of soil, making oobleck lemon volcanoes and magic milk. Students will deepen their understanding of basic scientific concepts, as well as develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
Sensational Science: Let’s learn and explore this wonderful season filled with new wonders. Students will use many items found in nature to design and create a milk
carton birdhouse, an egg carton garden, four seasons tree cups and learn about biodiversity before building a mason jar terrarium.
MARIA QUINONES-Ford , Alyssa Marie Frohnhoefer , kim behling
No Class Feb 15 & Feb 22