All SCOPE Child Care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.
SCOPE Day Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of school district employees.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program provides students with opportunities for exploration, play and discovery that builds on children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Jeannette Walsh—
3 Credits - Inservice - February 5 — April 11
Do you find it difficult to engage all of your students in their learning? This asynchronous course offers invaluable strategies to boost student engagement through various means of participation. Based on the principles from Doug Lemov's acclaimed book, "Teach Like a Champion 3.0," the course features engaging video demonstrations and comprehensive materials. Participants will learn directly from expert educators, observing firsthand how to confidently implement proven instructional techniques. From increasing student engagement and refining classroom management to improving overall student performance, this course provides practical strategies to make teaching more effective and enjoyable. (Suggested reading: "Teach Like a Champion 3.0" by Doug Lemov, available for $18.50 on Amazon).
Jeannette Walsh