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4 Results

  • The Effect That Stress Has On Student Learning

    S24-11041 THE EFFECT THAT STRESS HAS ON STUDENT LEARNING Richard Faber - 3 Credits - Inservice - June 26—August 15 This course will describe the sources and consequences of stress. Stress is a common problem that will affect almost all of your students at some point in their lives. Learn to identify when a person is under stress, what causes stress, and different ways of coping. Instructional strategies will be taught that can help students self-regulate such as reducing extraneous noise, managing transitions, and understanding mindsets, to name a few.
  • How To Provide Effective Feedback

    S24-11049 HOW TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK Richard Faber - 3 Credits - Inservice - June 26—August 15 The aim of feedback is reducing the gap between students’ current abilities and learning goals. With an effect size of .79, the practice of giving students feedback enhances successful learning through all phases of instruction. Feedback achieves great results especially when students make errors or demonstrate a lack of understanding, presenting an opportunity for deeper learning and positive growth.
  • Engaging The Disengaged Learner

    S24-11039 ENGAGING THE DISENGAGED LEARNER Richard Faber - 3 Credits - Inservice - June 26—August 15 Learning is a lot like bike riding. Once you have the knack, you never really forget the skill. Nor do you forget the thrill of learning a new ability or understanding a complex idea. Why have so many students never discovered this thrill? Why are they coasting when they could be racing along in the educational Tour de France with their peers? What can teachers do to engage the disengaged student?
  • Understanding Growth Mindset

    S24-11042 UNDERSTANDING GROWTH MINDSET Richard Faber - 3 Credits - Inservice - June 26—August 15 Research on the growth mindset shows that students who believe they can grow their basic abilities have greater motivation and higher achievement than do students who believe their abilities are fixed, and that teachers can influence students’ mindsets. Course will examine the differences between fixed and growth mindsets and provide educators with the tools to foster grit, determination, and work ethic within students, athletes, and people of all ages. Lesson and unit plans will be examined and developed.