All SCOPE Child Care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.
SCOPE Day Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of school district employees.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program provides students with opportunities for exploration, play and discovery that builds on children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Richard Faber—
3 Credits—Inservice— April 16—June 18
Schools experience a wide variety of crises that have the potential to harm the mental and physical health, learning environment and safety of students and educators. A school crisis is any traumatic event that seriously disrupts coping and problem-solving abilities of students and school staff. It is typically sudden, unexpected, dramatic and forceful and may even threaten survival. This change is generally overwhelming and uncontrollable as well as unwanted and frightening. This course will provide resources, tools, recommendations, and evidence-based practices for incorporating best practices in school mental health into school crisis plans. Suitable for all grade levels.
Richard A Faber