All SCOPE Child Care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.
SCOPE Day Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of school district employees.
Our Pre-Kindergarten program provides students with opportunities for exploration, play and discovery that builds on children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Richard Faber -
3 Credits - Inservice—April 16—June 18
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge base for professionals in an era of school restructuring, technological innovation and social change. Teachers and administrators will learn first-hand about innovative practices and recent research in the field. Topics include: student self-assessment, teacher reflection, cooperative learning, mentoring, the use of technology in schools, home-school communication, inclusion to support learning diversity and the challenge of school restructuring. Also covers the dilemma children face who are experiencing difficulty in learning situations because of ethnic group frustrations in the community, problems of social adjustment, socio-economic inequities and learning gaps. The role of the school in facilitating the program for children of various cultures to become valued members of the community is discussed. Activities, content and material are related to current and relevant frameworks and standards.
Richard A Faber